Things to Come


Things to Come is a 1936 British science fiction film directed by William Cameron Menzies. The movie is set in the year 1940, but its narrative spans over a century, offering a bleak and prophetic vision of a world ravaged by war and chaos. The story begins with John Cabal, a young man who is part of an underground resistance fighting against the totalitarian government that has taken control of the world after a devastating Second World War. The war has left the planet in ruins, causing widespread destruction, poverty, and famine. As society collapses, a new form of barbarism emerges, characterized by pillaging, plundering, and brutal violence. As the years pass, Cabal becomes disillusioned with the futility of their struggle against the oppressive regime and decides to abandon his rebellion. He instead becomes obsessed with an idea to build a rational society from scratch, free from the corrupting influences of government and politics. Cabal's vision takes shape as he gathers like-minded individuals who share his dream of creating a utopian community based on reason, science, and technology. They work tirelessly to rebuild civilization, establishing a new social order that values knowledge, cooperation, and progress. As society begins to take shape, the focus turns to space exploration and the colonization of other planets. Cabal becomes convinced that humanity's future lies in the stars, and he dedicates his life to making interplanetary travel a reality. The film's climax is marked by a sense of hope and optimism as Cabal looks up at the stars, envisioning a new era for humanity where conflict, war, and suffering are things of the past. Things to Come offers a thought-provoking commentary on the dangers of unchecked nationalism, militarism, and technological progress, while also highlighting the human spirit's capacity for resilience, innovation, and exploration. Through its depiction of a post-apocalyptic world, the film serves as a warning against the devastating consequences of humanity's destructive tendencies. At the same time, it presents a compelling vision of what can be achieved through cooperation, scientific inquiry, and collective effort.

Things to Come screenshot 1Things to Come screenshot 2
Source from: TMDB


Things to Come

Things to Come

Science Fiction
Year: 1936
Publish Date:2025-03-01
Duration:100 minutes